16 July 2012

Cruise - Day 6 (Cannes/Nice, France)

Bonjour, France!
Have we mentioned lately how we feel about France?  Do you need a refresher? See Zeke's conclusion in the linked post.

Thankfully, Norwegian was taking us to Nice, France, a city which at times feels more Italian than French... and the excursion they offered involved riding something called "The Little Train."  Enter Liam, stage right. FOR REAL how perfect is that?

Enjoy our whimsical tour of Nice!

Breakfast in (Mommy and Daddy's) bed

"The Little Train" that took us through the winding streets of Nice

My hubby is a photog genius

That little goofy pod sitting in the ocean? That was our ride to and from the port docks -- and also it serves as a fabulous lifeboat if needed. After all the cruise mishaps in the past year, I was relieved to see how well our crew managed and navigated our boats!

Look out France! Mr. Destructo has arrived AS PROMISED!

[Insert your best "look at those two handsome fellows" line here]

The main promenade along Nice's coastline

More promenade. Factoid: Angelina Jolie gave birth to some of her 5000 children in a hospital right here!

So jealous of their street markets. Just your average weekday morning stroll

So not fair

Onions and Taters and Garlic...

OH MY!  (Dirt-cheap, too, might we add)

Salts. Seriously. Flavor-infused salts.

Spices so freshly ground I wanted to roll around in the boxes just so I could smell like a walking piece of Heaven

Only in France:  Petite Toilette de Liam. Nous vous remercions, Nice! (And thanks for giving Liam some serious street cred with the locals as well)

Part of some castle remains in upper Nice -- and yes, those are mosaic fish. Definitely a seaside town

From the heights overlooking Nice

This is My Island!  And My Train!

We had to be miles away, across an ocean, standing at the port of Cannes, France, in order to fit the whole cruise ship in a picture. That thing was a monster.

...As was the awesome towel monkey our housekeeper left for us. Total monster.

Mommy's shoes

Finished the day where he started: taking over Mommy and Daddy's bed

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