27 July 2012

Cruise - Day 7 (Marseilles... and sunshine!)

Normally I'm really good at making things up.  Just consider anything I've ever said or written: pure, high-octane bullhocky.

Just kidding.  But really.  I care more about getting these fab pictures out to you than trying to come up with something interesting to say about Marseilles.  We didn't even bother getting off the boat, because we knew the better times would be had aboard the Epic.  If you're interested in Marseilles info, Google it up and let me know what we missed!

Until then...
Maybe these are better for me than Mommy's shoes

Fancy drinks!

More fancy drinks!

Post-fancy drinks

This should be the Chateau d'If if we got our Count of Monte Cristo guideposts correct. Unfortunately, Jim Caviezel was not floating around in a hot-air balloon to give us any hints.

Notre Dame. THE Notre Dame. We think. Again, no helpful stereotypical guides (don't see any hunchbacks, do ya?)

BLUE MAN GROUP!!! (Or "Blue Man Playgroup" according to Liam) They shook his hands and covered us both in paint...

Liam's trying to wipe off the evidence, while I'm proudly sporting my blue smear on my cheek


  1. great pics! thank you - esp the one of Liam sleep and this last one of gorgeous you xo smooches xo

  2. Enjoyable all- I can see that Liam was really excited about the Blue Man Playgroup - neat! He is a lucky young man to be able to participate in all that you guys do! and now I know again, firsthand, what wonderful company he is and what a great traveler he is! It is so great to see the world through his eyes! If he has a question or a comment, it is ALWAYS worth finding out what he is thinking about! thanks again Kellys!
