27 December 2011

Weihnachten in Nürnberg

You don't necessarily have to be a criminal justice major or a  die-hard John Grisham fan to know that there were some pretty important trials that went on here in the latter part of the 1940's, but Nürnberg (or Nuremberg) is a big time city with all sorts of history and entertainment to offer.  It is the home of such famous folks as Ernst von Bibra, Johann Phillip von Wurzelbaher, Hartmann Schedel and of course the renowned Kaspar Hauser.  Okay, I don't have a clue who any of those guys are but Wikipedia mentions them so how can you argue with the the world's most reliable research resource.  The Nürnberger Bratwurst is a tasty little snack that is pretty much a breakfast sausage link.  I guess this is the first place that decided to downscale the large Bratwurst as we know it, but I'm not impressed with their ingenuity.  Sorry Europe -- American Waffle Houses and little crappy local diners have these delicious treats too.

Anyway, the whole point of this post is to show our experience in Nürnberg during their Christmas Market.  Germany as a whole is a pretty big Christmas fan, and we had been told that Nürnberg is the place to go to get in the spirit. The Rairidons (Steve, Myra, Killian and Liam) have become very good friends of ours and the kids like getting together to play with each other's toys so we all packed in the car and headed out for a day in Nürnberg.

We stopped for lunch at a place called S'Baggers.  I'm not sure what the name means or refers to, but it was an awesome kid-friendly place that kind of reminded me of Fuddruckers mixed with a Benihana (or insert your favorite Hibachi restaurant here.  Jess just told me that she never heard of Benihana).  Pretty weird combo I know but watch the video and you'll see.  

That is actually the "other" Liam on my shoulders.  He hasn't changed that much.

Ahhh, there's our Liam, enjoying the bustling town.
"To the Christmas Market"

We don't know this person but we just wanted to show you a typical Glühwein stand.  

This...is...Awesome!  Fröhe Weihnachten everyone!


  1. Fabulous as always!!
    märchenhaft :)

  2. ps. I've posted comments on youtube as well :)

  3. This is so fun! I really felt like we were with you! Liam looks awesome - he is so expressive! Thank you again for sharing your lives with us - you guys are great! Love, Mom
