15 December 2011

Happy TurDuckEn Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We were obviously in the minority over here in celebrating a holiday I'm surprised people in Germany even know about... our landlady gets a serious gold star, though, as she was kind enough to stop by in the morning and wish us a happy Thanksgiving.  She barely speaks English, but she pays attention to holidays that matter to others and offers courtesies above and beyond most people.  So kind!  When we first moved in, she gave us a bottle of champagne, a box of truffles, and a set of Kinder chocolates for Liam.

I digress. Our holiday was beautiful!  Zeke and I did some prep cooking a few days ahead of time, so on the Big Day, we didn't have to sweat as much as usual.  Zeke started working on his creations around late morning, and I joined in around noon.  We concocted some coleslaw, delicious cranberry sauce, a corn-broccoli bake, some sweet potatoes (built on the fab recipe from the lovely Grandma Toni), some crazy stuffing, and a TURDUCKEN.  Yes, that's right, a Turducken.  Ground sausage stuffed inside a chicken breast, stuffed inside a duck breast, stuff inside a turkey breast.  Five pounds, no bones, and the five of us (we enjoyed the meal with our friends Jeff and Felisha) annihilated it (and we had the best gravy that Zeke made from the Turducken drippings. Very healthy, too, I'm sure).  Jeff and Felisha brought over the best homemade chicken and dumplings in the history of chicken and dumplings, plus some rock star desserts -- a marshmallow-frosted chocolate cake, a chocolate pie, a pumpkin pie, and an apple pie. A whole dessert for each of us, just about. Ridiculous and perfect.

After groaning our way away from the table, we proceeded to watch silly movies and eat desserts until we were too full and tired to see straight.

Here's a little clip for you -- happy TuDuckEn Day!!

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