30 August 2012

Lots o' Liam

Because I owe you guys. Big time.

So I'm not making any excuses, but (prepare for list of excuses right about...now) Liam and I are so busy these days, doing what we do, that I often forget to take snapshots or videos, let alone post to the blog. But I have been beyond remiss lately. Call it my summer vacation.

Liam is doing so well.  He speaks in detailed, complex sentences; he remembers way more than I'd like him to; he has a knack for problem-solving, especially if he talks it out to himself or me (cutest thing ever to see a little 2-year-old putter around the house mumbling to himself like a geriatric) and he is just a wonderful young man. He potty-trained pretty much without incident back in May, and even since Zeke has been deployed, Liam hasn't regressed a bit. He handles it like a pro. Same with sleeping (still a serious napper, which makes me a happy mama) and eating (he scarfed down a wrap I made with TAHINI in it today. Weirdo).

Now for the fun -- I'll let the videos and pictures speak for themselves... unless I can't help myself and have to tag them with some witty little ditty. Videos are at the end -- and totally worth the wait.

When I work out in the morning, he climbs into
Daddy and Mommy's bed and nestles under the covers with a good book.

(Don't worry, it's not loaded. And the event was supervised.)

Just like Daddy's rifle

Clearing his weapon. I'm sure Daddy is proud
(though not proud about the fact that Liam is pointing the gun directly at Mali while clearing)

"Tough Like Daddy" says it all. *snicker*

Popcorn With Liam: Sundays at 9pm on A&E

Our Little Tailor

So I guess we can see where Liam gets the tongue-sticking-out thing from

Riding his first Hog

Anyone who has ever had a few beers with Zeke knows just how perfect this picture is.

This is my house.

I'm so mean to post this, but come on! How funny is this?!?!
Caption could read:  If this is how the day is starting, I might as well go right back to bed.

Liam loves sticks. Our checking account loves that Liam loves sticks.

Mali is cheering for Liam because he had just finished peeing on the sidewalk.
Right. Next. To. Her. Foot. True friends right there.

Liam's most recent heartbreak: losing one of his girlfriends, Kailey, to the Army --
they made her family move away (and I lost a dear gal pal -- miss you Christi!!)

If Doogie Howser had been into dude things, more attractive, smarter, and funnier...
He would be Liam.

Liam and his crew taking a much-needed nap

Just like Mommy: cleaning the kitchen with the phone at the ready in case
Daddy calls!

He annihilated this meal: peas, grilled tilapia, and "purple potatoes"
(mashed potatoes combined with oat bran & boiled purple cabbage and topped with parm cheese -- delish!) 

Don't tell me this kid doesn't look like his Daddy. When he wants to, he whips out the various Zeke looks
and breaks my heart

He also breaks my heart when he shares his juice with his Velociraptor

I helped him build a dog... and he turned it into this!

... and then he fell asleep at dinner an hour later

"Angry face, with the ears, just like Daddy!"
He does this look, prefacing it with that statement, just about every day.

And finally, some videos of our precious little guy:

"Bumble Bee" by Liam and Mommy

Liam's First Solo Somersault

The Nose Horn



  1. Oh Jess... what can I say? You rock. You are the best. Thanks for sharing your life this way. I love your blog and don't care when you get 'round to it, it is always worth it!!! Thank you xoxox

    ps. As you a can tell, I dropped what I was doing so I could check it out ;)

  2. I soooo agree with Jackie - you are the best! The best daughter, the best Mommy, the best wife, the best friend! Your pics and videos are awesome and the titles on the pics - great - we are right there with you ! and yes I see Zeke in his different looks, too! I bet your hubby looks at your blog entries over and over (when he has time that is..) checking out those wonderful faces :-) later - mom

  3. I hope all realize that Liam is reading small case letters. Most children get a handle on the upper case letters - it takes awhile for them to put together that A and a are each, separately a's - B and b, etc, etc. He is such a smart genius!
