23 May 2012

Genius At Work

Or maybe it's play. With Liam, those two terms are not mutually exclusive... and I hope that's always the case.

This kid loves to learn. He is desperate for it. And we find opportunities everywhere, in every minute, to help him grow as a person and MENSA candidate (wink, wink). Though as you can see, he's probably the teacher more often than not. It's wonderful to see the world through the eyes of this young man.

Here are just a few of his bright, shining, moments of brilliance...

1.  This first video (still diaper days back then) proves Liam has a future as an inspiring fashion designer... or a Boy Scout (prepared for anything, topping it off with a hardhat from Grandma Toni and Grandpa Chet):

2.  This next video reveals his compassion and empathy... he asked Mr. Bear if he was okay after the first time he dropped him. Since Mr. Bear did not object, Liam continued dropping him.  Fair enough.

3.  When Grammy and Pappy came to visit last month, one of Liam's favorite things to do was make them smile, laugh, or just get tickled with how cool he is.  He really put out all the stops for them.  Good example? Story time. We barely ever get to read to him anymore, since he likes to take the lead.

4.  Fast forward to just a week ago.  It has been HOTTT here -- 80s during the day, high 60s at night, and night lasts only from 11pm until about 345am.  Not much chill time at all.  We invested in a few fans, and Liam makes sure to point out every single fan we see every single place we go. (He calls them "fands," which is hideously precious and I hope he never stops... makes me think of my sweet niece Jesse and how she used to say "resturnaut."

The fan in Liam's room?  "Liam's fand."  The one in our bedroom?  "Daddy's fand."  Looks like Mommy doesn't get a "fand."  At least Daddy's nice enough to share.

5.  Grandma Bobbey and Grandpa Marty sent a fabulous care package recently and included in it some of my old, loved, cherished books.  One of my favorites of all time was Go, Dog. Go!  It has quickly become one of Liam's Top Requested Stories At Bedtime.  After reading through it together twice, he started recognizing words.  He's always been phenomenal at memorizing things, but this time, it's different.  He recognizes some of the words whenever they show up throughout the book -- and anywhere else when he sees them!  Thank you to P.D. Eastman for a brilliant children's book.


  1. This update is precious! Well, they all are, but this one is really precious! Liam is doing wonderfully - loved his talking into the fan, READING - wow! I realize so much is memorization, but he knows it, too! When he changes his voice/inflection it is awesome! He understands totally :-) Liam ROCKS! You can tell him that from Grandma Bobbey and Grandpa Marty :-) Love you - have a safe and wonderful trip!

  2. Just got home from work to be able to watch this post to your blog!!! It is great and Liam is awesome!! It really means a lot to be able to see all of you. Thank you sooooo much for taking the time to share and to keep us in the loop. Have a great trip!! Love you, GP Marty& GM Bobbey.

  3. Love this one - and am amazed at how quiet you are, Jess, when you are taping Liam doing such fun things! I was such a yacky Jacky in Elizabeth's that it is a little tough for me to watch now. These are great fun!! Thank you :) I am so glad I finally gave myself the gift of focused reading and watching :) love to you xo <3
