14 March 2014

"Defeated" DO NOT ENTER

In actuality these were a bunch of DO NOT ENTER signs in Florence and Rome that were professionally "tagged" with graffiti.  Liam was the first to notice the graffiti on the sign in Florence so once that can of worms was open, we had a mission to complete - photograph every DO NOT ENTER sign.  It's funny because he kept saying, "look there's another defeated sign," obviously meaning graffiti'd.
Here's a link to an article that describes the artists' methods of the sticker-type graffiti.  When we saw them in Rome also, we continued to photo-journal so I thought it deserved its own blog post and picture album; check out the pictures HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning my dears. This is fun! I love it when you take us along on your daily adventures xoxoxo ps. still hoping our girls will share a BIRTH day... 6 days to go and mine will be 18. wow!!
