03 May 2013

Cruises Are LAME.


To celebrate Zeke's homecoming and get away from it all, we chose to hop on a plane to Florida and roll out on a Disney cruise ship. Bound for 8 days in the Caribbean. Now THAT is how you celebrate! Or at least how we celebrate. A cruise has managed to be a bookend to every one of our deployments!

Unlike last year's cruise, which was chock-full of beautiful scenery, history, culture, and information, this cruise was full of everything we needed now: sunshine, relaxation, sunshine, beaches, awesome family time, and sunshine. And sunshine. And some more sunshine.

So no history lessons or long-winded diatribes this round -- just some amazing pics ahead. For now, we will hook you up with the shots the Disney pros took of us on the cruise. Await more albums and maybe even a video or two in the coming days!

1 comment:

  1. So wonderfully fantastic to SEE all of you again. much love and misses xo Jackie
