24 February 2013

Buon Compleanno, Liam!!*

Our little man is three years old today. I posted pictures so you can see what a fun day we have been having!

So far, Liam has eaten 3 cupcakes. I'm sure at least 3 more will "go past the uvula" before the day's end. (Seriously, Liam's words exactly. He is fascinated with the uvula.)

We were hoping to visit with some friends for a dinner out tonight, but we got hit with almost 6" of snow this weekend. Lots of shoveling, zero driving. It is times like these that I am thankful Liam takes after his parents: somewhat anti-social, a bit of a homebody, and much more interested in relaxing on the couch with a glass of Jameson than partying it up downtown. Okay, well maybe that last part is "a glass of bubble water" for Liam, but you get the idea. No matter how many times or in what ways I asked him, Liam did not want a birthday party. He just wanted a cupcake.

So I made him 24.

And I don't know if we will have any left to share with friends by tomorrow.

Happy birthday, our sweet Liam. We are so proud of the bright, witty, charismatic, inquisitive, handsome young man you are turning out to be. We love you!

* This title is in Italian because Vicenza, Italy looks to be our next duty station... we are a lucky bunch! More to come...


  1. Happy Birthday, Liam!! and Happy BirthING day parents, and oh, by the way... ITALY?! Do you get to come "home" and see me in between?

  2. I was lonesome to see you guys and began browsing your blog site again. This is the best way to treat my melancholy! Love you guys! ~Mom Willson
