07 July 2011

Happy Berfday Merica

I used to think the 4th of July was about fireworks and homemade trail mix.

I know better now, thanks to Liam:

Our holiday weekend really was a holiday -- Zeke was able to fly home for the first time since he went to Missouri back in April.  Liam did exactly as I predicted:  he waited until Daddy came home before he seriously started to show off his ambulatory skills.  From the moment we walked in the door, Liam wanted to toddle around and be on his feet, impressing Daddy with his talents. 

I had one of those dumb realizations that Liam is actually completing a stage in his growing up... the crawling stage.  I'm not sad about it -- it's an inexplicably exciting thing.  He still has nights when he doesn't like sleeping in his crib; he certainly is nowhere near being potty trained; and while he eats every solid food in sight, he's still a breastfeeding champion; so this crawler-turned-walker moment really is his first turning point down a one-way street.

We didn't get the chance to see any fireworks (which is kind of expected when you have a little one dictating your schedule) but I think we'll survive.  Turns out that Bamberg has a pretty wicked 4th of July celebration, so we should be able to enjoy some American festivities on foreign land for the next few years.  It will be hard to be away from the U.S., especially on occasions during which we remember and celebrate what makes America the greatest country in the world, but I'm so thankful to have the chance to share our spirit with other countries and people. 

And I'm proud beyond words to be a family that lives and breathes defending the rights our country stands for.  Zeke and I have had many talks about the sacrifices we make, and through it all, we know it's worth it.  What he does, what we give, is not just for us or for our livelihood.  It's for hot dogs and corn on the cob.  For American football and fireworks.  For the possibility that all those who want personal liberties, the freedom to choose a life path on their own terms, and the security to pursue that path... well, they can.  Simple as that.  It's all too clear that many nations are not in a position or of a like understanding to allow such a notion for their people, but at least our country has the balls to let those people know we're willing to help them achieve that goal of a liberal democracy if they want it.  (And, of course, what they do with it is their business.)

*stepping off soapbox*

Happy Birthday, America.  You look damn good for being 235 years old.

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